Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python Data Structure and Algorithmic Puzzles-Careermonk Publications (2016)

Thể loại: Python ;Lập trình
Tác giả : Narasimha Karumanchi
  • Lượt đọc : 313
  • Kích thước : 68.35 MB
  • Số trang : 471
  • Đăng lúc : 2 năm trước
  • Số lượt tải : 423
  • Số lượt xem : 2.679
  • Đọc trên điện thoại :
This book is about the fundomentnls of data structures nncl algorithms - the basic clements from which large and complex software projects arc built. To develop a good understanding or a datu structure requires three things: first, you must learn how the information is arrnnged in the memory of the computer; second, you must become familiar with the algorithms for manipulating the information contained in the du ta structure; and third, you must understand the performance characteristics or the data structure so that when ca lled upon to select usuitable data structure for a particu lar application, you arc able to make an appropriate decision.The algorithms and d::na structures in this book arc presented in the Python progrnmming language. A unique feature or this book, when compared to the available book:,; on the subject, is thnl it olTern a balance of theory, practical concepts, problem solving, and interview questions.